199 - This Is Happening Before

On today's episode of the Morphin Grid Jake and Josh sit down to watch "A Brief Mystery Of Time". Listen in for thier thoughts on a cuppa hatez, Mortal Kombat Annailation, and green though.

On today's episode of the Morphin Grid Jake and Josh sit down to watch "A Brief Mystery Of Time". Listen in for thier thoughts on a cuppa hatez, Mortal Kombat Annailation, and green though.

On today's episode of the Morphin Grid Jake and Josh sit down to watch "A Brief Mystery Of Time". Listen in for thier thoughts on a cuppa hatez, Mortal Kombat Annailation, and green though.

Patreon: patreon.com/heyjakeandjosh, Website: MorphinGrid.tumblr.com, Email: littleidiots.morphingrid@gmail.com, Twitter: @morphingrid, Facebook: facebook.com/themorphingrid


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